The Swan, Kingsclere (4.1m)

(pub-website) RG20 5QU SU 526587
Replacing the now-closed Crown, again parking is difficult so park and start walking from the Fieldgate Centre about 500yds away at RG20 5SQ or SU 521586 (marked in blue on the map, and well signposted). About 9 miles from Newbury along the A339. Alternatively, the walk may be started from the Star, Ecchinswell, about half a mile off the route, and marked on the map below.

Go down the drive of the Fieldgate centre and turn R for about 100yds, then take the minor road to the L. In another 250yds, take the second of two FPs on the R. Follow this, the Brenda Parker Way for 1100yds along the RH field boundary, with views of the Kingsclere downs on the L. The FP turns R by a barn, and come out on a metalled road, which follow for 200yds past two drives, when turn L on th FP. Ignore two FPs to the R, and join a metalled lane for a short distance before the BP way diverges to the R by some fishing lakes. Go forward, bearing L when it divides, and through a wood. Emerging from this, turn R along a hard track to cross a field and bear R round a copse and go forward on a grassier track. Just before a five-bar gate, turn R and follow the LH field boundary until you arrive at a wooden shed belonging to model aircraft fliers. There is a welcome seat to rest on! Follow the FP along the LH field boundary to rejoin the outbound (BP) route, pass the fishing lakes, go left down the FP, ignore the first turning L, but take the second L. This follows a field boundary, jinks round Porch Farm, and enters a large field. Go slightly R (if not constrained to the field boundary) to the opposite corner, where turn R off the path over a plank bridge, and through a hole in the hedge that brings you to the bottom of the Fieldgate sports field.
To get to the Swan, walk down the drive, then R and the first FP on the L.

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