Cobbs, Englefield (3.1m)

Pub-website RG7 5EA SU 632 718
About 12 miles from Newbury along the A4 toward Reading, go L at the Theale Roundabout for a mile along the A340 to find Cobbs on the R .
A farm shop with cafe that has quite a reasonable lunch menu, including (metric) pint bottles of Renegade beers - click on the picture.

Cross the A340 and find the FP on the other side that goes NW for 600yds to a tarmac lane , where turn R, recrossing the A340 and just after it kinks L take a FP on the R. This rejoins the lane in 200yds, when turn L and take the FP ahead in75yds. Follow this round to the R then SE through woods on the perimeter of Theale Golf Club, passing the clubhouse and meeting a crossing FP. Turn L on this for 250yds then take anoother FP to the R, passing Theale Green School; It come out on a lane, where turn L then shortly R onto another lane, which follow for 200yds to reach the back entrance to Cobbs./a> Home Page